
Showing posts from January, 2022

23: themeless midi 4

new puzzle! it's shaped like a Z, which is fun. difficulty: less evil than my previous midi.

22: themeless midi 3

new themeless midi! difficulty is rather evil. it's a pangram, which might help you a tiny bit.

21: balanced pangram 3

another one! same deal as my previous balanced pangrams: exactly 4 of each vowel (AEIOU) and exactly 1 of each other letter.

20: balanced pangram 2

new puzzle! it's a sequel to a previous puzzle i made, in which every vowel (AEIOU) appears exactly 4 times, and every other letter appears exactly once.

19: themeless midi 2

all the cool kids have crossword blogs so i made one too. i figure i can use it to ramble about my construction process and whatever else i feel like. anyway, here's a midi that i think is pretty tricky. enjoy :)