46: second cryptic
i try my hand at a mini cryptic. happy solving!
answer explanations (warning: spoilers)
1A: anagram of GARFIELD, minus I
5A: AN + anagram of CAR + H + Y (as in "the Y", as in YMCA)
6A: AIS RUE backwards with A in the middle
7A: DO + MI + NOS
1D: double definition
2D: WikipeDIA GRAMmar-checker
3D: COL (colonel) reversed + K + SIN
4D: (Roxane) GAY + BARS
construction notes (warning: spoilers)
i'm taking a bit of a break from crossword construction right now, but i decided to make this on a whim today. honestly, maybe i should do more of these? it's way more fun to write cryptic clues than regular ones.
favorite clue: 6A (the last clue i wrote, oddly enough!)
thanks for solving!
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