33: women of punk 🎸

my entry for the march 2022 crosshare midi challenge. enjoy!

solving music:

and one more with a spoiler...

thoughts (warning: spoilers)

this was a fun one to put together! very happy with the 3 theme entries i settled on (although it would have been nice to get a more modern name in there too). for the rest of the fill, i just focused on making sure all the themer-crossing entries were gettable (and keeping non-women's names out of the puzzle). all my puzzles before this one were constructed right in Crosshare, but lately i've been trying out the free trial version of Crossfire. being able to rescore/add/delete words from your wordlist is a huge help, and the autofiller seems more powerful in general, so i'm hoping to use it to make impressive stacks and shit lol.


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