26: themeless midi 5

new puzzle! difficulty: idk i'm bad at estimating this lol, i'll just let the crosshare difficulty label speak for itself from now on

thoughts (warning: spoilers)

i really liked this grid shape. the nice thing about it from a constructing point of view is that there's not a lot of interconnection between different areas of the grid, so there was a lot of opportunity to find entries i liked, rather than being forced into certain entries because of grid constraints. it does have a LOT of 3-letter entries, but i don't mind. construction process: run the autofiller repeatedly to find an enjoyable stack on the left edge, fill it in, run the autofiller again repeatedly to find a nice stack on the bottom, and so on, working all the way around the spiral. very satisfied with how it turned out in the end! lots of entries/clues i was happy with: ANARCHISM, MYDOGATEIT, AUSTINTEXAS, BLOOPERREEL, THREETENS, DERIVE.


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